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Image by Naassom Azevedo

Leading Public Universities For Bachelor Programs


Technical University of Munich (TUM)

A leading research university known for its excellence in engineering, natural sciences, and technology.

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Ludwig Maximilian Uni. of Munich (LMU)

One of Germany's oldest universities, with a strong focus in humanities, social sciences, and natural sciences.


Humboldt University of Berlin

A prestigious university with a strong emphasis on research, known for its programs in humanities, social sciences, and natural sciences.


Heidelberg University

A renowned institution with a long history, offering a wide range of programs in humanities, social sciences, natural sciences, and medicine.

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Freie Universität Berlin

A research-oriented university known for its programs in socialsciences, humanities, and natural sciences.


University of Tübingen

A prestigious university with a strong focus on research in medicine, natural sciences, and humanities.


University of Stuttgart

Specializes in engineering, technology, and natural sciences.


Technical University of Berlin

A leading technical university known for its programs in engineering, computer science, and natural sciences.


Goethe University Frankfurt

Known for its strong programs in economics, social sciences, and humanities.

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RWTH Aache University

A leading technical university known for its programs in engineering, natural sciences, and technology.


University of Hamburg

A comprehensive university with a strong focus on research, offering programs in humanities, social sciences, natural sciences, and medicine.


University of Göttingen

Offers a broad range of courses in humanities, social sciences, and natural sciences.


University of Cologne

One of Germany's largest universities, offering diverse courses in humanities, social sciences, and natural sciences.


University of Bonn

Known for its strong programs in law, economics, and mathematics.


Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)

Offers courses in engineering, natural sciences, and economics.

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University of Würzburg

A research-oriented university with a focus on sustainability, offering programs in humanities, social sciences, natural sciences, and medicine.


Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf

Offers diverse courses in medicine, natural sciences, and humanities.

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University of Bremen

It offers diverse programs for bachelor's and master's degrees, emphasizing interdisciplinary approaches, research-based learning, and practical orientation.

Graduation Ceremony

Why Germany?

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World-class education

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Strong Economy

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Low or no tuition fees

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PR/Blue Card in 2 years

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World-class public transportation system

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Access to cutting-edge technology

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Work-life balance

Eligibility for Undergraduate Program


Equivalent Indian Education

13 years of education is mandatory (12 + 1 year of university). Admission to German Public Universities is very competitive. A CGPA of 85% or higher is recommended.

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English Proficiency

The curriculum at German Public Universities is taught in English. The following English test results are valid for admission:  IELTS 6.0 overall or TOEFL 80 points. 

Image by Dollar Gill

German Proficiency

Even though the curriculum is taught in English, it is strongly advisable to learn German to level B1. This will help you integrate better in German society.

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